Working Groups

Working Groups
Meet the Working Groups (WG1, WG2, WG3 and WG4)

Management, networking, assessment work plan, accountability and sustainability


  • RCO1. To encourage international debate on the new care economy through deinstitutionalization, home care support, and caregiver training, considering care errors and differences in the family role in caring for loved ones in European countries.
  • RCO5. To facilitate discussion of the ethical, and organisational gaps while promoting a common understanding of factors underlying the interventions designed to empower caregivers to assure safe care at home.
  • RCO6.  To agree on what to do after the occurrence of adverse events, sharing knowledge about research evidence and methods to tackle with these unsafe events.
  • CBO3. To provide a platform to develop an agenda involving relevant stakeholders to promote effective solutions and facilitate discussion of the legal, ethical, social, psychological, economic, and medical issues.
  • CBO4. To create a network for the integration of fragmented initiatives, identifying more effective measures, applying lessons learned and to foster knowledge exchange and dissemination of research results.


  • Website and Blog
  • Annual and final reports
  • International forum
  • Electronic and face-to-face meetings
  • Network ongoing working after the Action has end


Ioana Cristina Popescu


Ali Galip Ayvat


Ozan Bahcivan


Cornelia Feichtinger


Desara Agaj


Anupoma Haque


Ezequiel García-Elorrio


Elona Gaxhja


Francesco Schiavone


Conceptualization, map interventions and training programmes, metrics


  • RCO1. To encourage international debate on the new care economy through deinstitutionalization, home care support, and caregiver training, considering care errors and differences in the family role in caring for loved ones in European countries.
  • RCO3. To develop the theoretical conceptualisation of the care errors at home and developing a common understanding of its implications.
  • RCO4. To raise general awareness of the impact of errors on caregivers (considering gender differences) and their consequences in psychological, social, legal, ethical, and economic terms.
  • RCO5. To facilitate discussion of the ethical, and organisational gaps while promoting a common understanding of factors underlying the interventions designed to empower caregivers to assure safe care at home.
  • RCO6.  To agree on what to do after the occurrence of adverse events, sharing knowledge about research evidence and methods to tackle with these unsafe events.
  • RCO7. Paying attention to the situation of women who take on the care of family members while giving up their personal and professional careers.
  • RCO8.  To introduce the qualification range of contents, and standards set for caregivers which should be used to capacitate them to provide safe home care.
  • CBO1. To lead a debate to enhance caregivers’ wellbeing at home, as part of ensuring optimal care commitment, encouraging changes in health and social services considering their impact on caregivers.
  • CBO2. To bridge management, social, legal, ethical, educational, and care provision expertise to further develop the steps that need to be taken to improve the quality of care delivered.
  • CBO5. To encourage the development of solutions to support caregivers and reduce errors at home by overcoming the current fragmentation and isolation from the services, including leader experiences in the public and private sectors.


  • National workshops
  • Case study & other materials
  • Meetings
  • Scientific publications
  • Technical reports


Aurora Bueno-Cavanillas


Anatoliy Goncharuk


Amine Haj Taieb


Andrea Conti


Andrea Madarasová Gecková


Angel Cobos


Angela Durante


Amanda Phelan


Aurel Zelko


Make feasible interventions to prevent errors at home and support caregivers after errors


  • RCO1. To encourage international debate on the new care economy through deinstitutionalization, home care support, and caregiver training, considering care errors and differences in the family role in caring for loved ones in European countries.
  • RCO2. To increase stakeholders’ awareness on the consequences of unsafe care and implications for deinstitutionalization policies.
  • RCO3. To develop the theoretical conceptualisation of the care errors at home and developing a common understanding of its implications.
  • RCO4. To raise general awareness of the impact of errors on caregivers (considering gender differences) and their consequences in psychological, social, legal, ethical, and economic terms.
  • RCO5. To facilitate discussion of the ethical, and organisational gaps while promoting a common understanding of factors underlying the interventions designed to empower caregivers to assure safe care at home.
  • RCO6.  To agree on what to do after the occurrence of adverse events, sharing knowledge about research evidence and methods to tackle with these unsafe events.
  • RCO8.  To introduce the qualification range of contents, and standards set for caregivers which should be used to capacitate them to provide safe home care.
  • CBO4. To create a network for the integration of fragmented initiatives, identifying more effective measures, applying lessons learned and to foster knowledge exchange and dissemination of research results.
  • CBO5. To encourage the development of solutions to support caregivers and reduce errors at home by overcoming the current fragmentation and isolation from the services, including leader experiences in the public and private sectors.


  • National workshops
  • Training School
  • STSM
  • Standards for safe care at home
  • Meetings
  • Guidelines


Aurora Bueno-Cavanillas


Ioana Cristina Popescu


Anatoliy Goncharuk


Ali Galip Ayvat


Amine Haj Taieb


Andrea Madarasová Gecková


Angel Cobos


Aurel Zelko


Behije Gollobreda


Impact of deinstitutionalise policies on recipient’s safety, encourage business opportunities for women


  • RCO1. To encourage international debate on the new care economy through deinstitutionalization, home care support, and caregiver training, considering care errors and differences in the family role in caring for loved ones in European countries.
  • RCO4. To raise general awareness of the impact of errors on caregivers (considering gender differences) and their consequences in psychological, social, legal, ethical, and economic terms.
  • RCO5. To facilitate discussion of the ethical, and organisational gaps while promoting a common understanding of factors underlying the interventions designed to empower caregivers to assure safe care at home.
  • RCO8.  To introduce the qualification range of contents, and standards set for caregivers which should be used to capacitate them to provide safe home care.
  • CBO1. To lead a debate to enhance caregivers’ wellbeing at home, as part of ensuring optimal care commitment, encouraging changes in health and social services considering their impact on caregivers.
  • CBO2. To bridge management, social, legal, ethical, educational, and care provision expertise to further develop the steps that need to be taken to improve the quality of care delivered.
  • CBO5. To encourage the development of solutions to support caregivers and reduce errors at home by overcoming the current fragmentation and isolation from the services, including leader experiences in the public and private sectors.


  • National workshops
  • Best practices collection, guideline/strategies linking stakeholders
  • Meetings


Amanda Phelan


David Bogataj


Emilia Laapio-Rapi


Francesco Schiavone


Ia Gelenidze


Ivana Stevic


Jennifer Muhaidat


João Gomes


Andrzej Klimczuk
