COST Action BetterCare • CA22152

Supporting Emerging Care Economy, Empowering Caregivers to Provide Safe Care at Home

The main aim and objective of the Action is to improve prevention of caregivers’ errors at home to implement efforts to increase recipients’ safety, introducing an open dialogue about consequences of caregiver errors based on a collaboration integrating citizens, end-users, disciplines, approaches.

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Description of the Action

Caring Errors’ existence and experience at home is far more widespread than imagined. By 2030, the number of people in the world aged 60 years or over is projected to grow up to 1.4 billion and, by 2050. A global strategy has been adopted to reinforce the person-centered care, boost deinstitutionalization, and develop qualified home care support. It is important for caregivers (both professional and informal) to be prepared to develop their skills and provide safe care. The care provided by caregivers at home is more complex and intense, and that is expected to grow. Many informal caregivers are still unaware of the precautions to use medications safely

Latest Updates

The next BetterCare – CA22152 Management Committee Meeting, scheduled for February 27th-28th, 2024, will be held in Frankfurt House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), Frankfurt,...
BetterCare’s main aim and objective to improve prevention of caregivers’ errors at home and thus to increase patient safety relies on carrying gained knowledge outside...
We will launch soon the Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) 2024! STSM Mobility Grants aim at promoting individual mobility, strengthening BetterCare networks, and fostering collaboration...
STSM BetterCare
The COST Action BetterCare was launched on Thursday, October 26th! The Management Committee members took part in the kick-off meeting in Brussels, Belgium at the...
Kickoff Meeting